Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It's Your Turn

As I was daydreaming today (a necessary part of keeping my sanity), I was wondering, "If I could be a superhero, what kind would I be? What kind of powers would I have, and what would I call myself?" Then I thought, "What if I could touch someone and make them fall asleep?" (You can tell I dream big, can't you? And wouldn't that be a lonely life???) I guess then my nickname would be "The ________." [Insert whatever you want. I deleted what I originally had because I wouldn't want to offend anyone here.] Hmmm, maybe I could become invisible and pass through walls. I suppose then I could call myself something like "The Specter." Wouldn't that make for a great spy? But then I'm sure I would see a lot of things I didn't want to see, especially if I'm not paying attention to where I'm going. Well, what if I could make people see things that weren't really there? I could call myself "Mirage." That sounds cool, but I don't know. I've heard it said that one should always go with one's talents. OK, then I suppose it's obvious what my superpowers would be (at least according to Double O Daddy anyway). I'd have the uncanny ability to nag any husband to death in a single sentence while I'm slamming him with the next. Yeah, I could do that in my sleep. But what would my nickname be??? Any suggestions?

Now it's your turn. I would love to know what kind of superhero (or villain) you would be if you had the choice. What would your powers be? And be sure to tell me what cool nickname you would have. I would love to hear what you have to say. (Just please, keep it clean. Thanks.)

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