Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Everyone's a Critic

As you know, I am a homemaker and as such I am responsible for most of the housework. (Double O Daddy really helps me out with tough stuff.) Anyway, the other day I wanted to get some vacuuming done in the family room. Normally, I wait until the J Man has gone to bed and Pretty Girl is either awake downstairs or asleep in her crib. However, the planets had not aligned on that for a while, so I thought I would take a chance and vacuum while the J Man was awake and in the same room. That was daring. I must admit though that he took it very well. He stayed up on the couch and watched me as I moved his toys and vacuumed here and there. When I was finished, I put the vacuum away in the other room where it is just visible beyond one of the child gates we have set up for his protection (and my sanity).

Today, as the J Man was playing in the family room, he took my hand and led me to the gate between that room and the vacuum cleaner. Curious to see what he wanted, I led him through. He led me straight back to the vacuum cleaner. When I held him up, he wouldn't touch it nor would he let me put his hand on it. So, I took him back to the family room. Moments later, he was back at the gate beating his fists together and pointing at the vacuum cleaner. (Beating his fists together is his own sign for "I want.") Now, we are trying to get the cute little bugger to talk, so I didn't take him to it. But he persisted. Finally, I got the vacuum cleaner and plugged it in. The J Man went straight for the safety of the couch. As I started to vacuum, I turned to Double O Daddy and said, "Now I'm getting nagged by my kids to do housework, and he doesn't even speak yet!" (Of course I said it with a big smile on my face, and of course, Double O Daddy started to chuckle.) I guess everyone's a critic.

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