Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Free and Easy Way to Feed the Hungry

My Mother-in-law recently came to visit. While she was here, she told me about a website that gives free food to the hungry. When you visit the site, you click on a button. Once you've clicked, they donate a cup of food to the hungry. You don't have to give your name, email address, postal address or anything--just click the button. It's free, it's easy, and best of all, it gives a cup of food to hungry people. The only caveat is that you can only click the button once per day. So spread the word. Here's the website:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Stronger Than a Locomotive

The J Man is due to turn two this month; then I can no longer say I have two under two. He has been quite busy lately. If he's not looking at his books, he's busy throwing things or beating his head against something. Well, yesterday it was me. He was upset and beating his head against both the floor and the wall, so I tried to calm him down and soothe him. It didn't work. He reared his head back and cracked me in the head. Double O Daddy grabbed the boy and I grabbed my face and fell to the ground. My glasses were bent and my head was in excruciating pain. (And I thought labor was bad!) Fortunately the J Man was OK. I, on the other hand, am not. It has been over 24 hours and my head still hurts. At least my vision is back to normal. OK, so when the boy grows up a little more, we're signing him up for football.

Also as you probably know, the J Man is quite the little MacGyver/Houdini. Yesterday, while I was waiting for Double O Daddy to get home from work, J Man was in his room, Pretty Girl was in the family room, and I was with her nursing my wounds trying to make sure I could still see straight. Well, when Double O went upstairs to check on the boy, he discovered the J Man standing in our bedroom fine as could be and the gate (the one he had installed across the boy's bedroom door) leaning against the door frame. It had been removed and set back up... by the boy! OK, so not only did he crack me in the head without injuring himself, but he also removed a tightly installed child-proof gate from across his doorway. Well at least he's got his own theme music. *MacGyver music can be heard softly in the background...*