Monday, September 14, 2009

More Things I Never Thought I'd Say

Since I have become a parent, I have said so many things that I never imagined I would ever need to say. I mentioned some in a previous post. Well, here are the latest, and please keep in mind that Pretty Girl is 7 months old and the J Man is going on 23 months old.

1) "Don't de-pants your brother!" (Pretty Girl loves the J Man, so whenever he's within arms reach, she lunges at him and usually gets his pants.)

2) "Stop grabbing my _____." (It's not that the word itself is bad, it's just I'm too embarrassed to type it.)

3) "Don't throw the scooter into the kitchen!"

4) "Stop letting your brother drag you around the family room floor!" (Pretty Girl had lunged at her brother, grabbed on to his pants, and was not letting go. So, when he tried to get away, he began to drag her around the floor before I could get to them.)

5) "Now the key to good kissing is to not bite the other person's lips."

6) "Don't palm your sister's head!"

7) "Stop licking my knees!"

Yes, parenting is definitely an adventure into the unknown and the unthinkable. But I do love it.

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