Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Limericks Anyone?

Ok, it's time for a new post. And wouldn't you know, I'm on a limerick kick. So, here goes...

First, some Zelenka ones...

There is a great doctor named Radek
Who keeps his boss Rodney in check
He takes Rodney's rap
Throws it back in his lap
Without him old Rodney'd wreak havoc

For Pookey:
Zelenka's a brilliant young Czech
Who finds Rodney a pain in the neck
I can't blame him there
And I do love his hair
To Atlantis for him I would trek

There was on Atlantis a smartie
Who'd rather play chess than to party
He's sweet and not terse
But in Czech he would curse
When dealing with ninnies like Rodney

For some other Gate Worlders...

Now Pookey has such a cute name
Pyromania, apparently her fame
She's a perky young girl
Who perused the Gate World
While her kitchen went up with a flame

There was a Gate Worlder from Belgium
Who posted that he thought it was dumb
To put out a fire
With footwear attire
And turned his nice sneakers to gum gum

There was a commander named Sil
Showed intelligence, promise, and skill
She took her inhaler
And that really made her
Like Wile E. upon earthquake pills

And finally, some miscellaneous ones.

There was a young woman named Bess
Who wore a pink polka-dot dress
Though her husband complained
In the dress she remained
Divorce lawyers took care of the rest

There was a young piper named Fyffe
Who carried a scabbard and knife
In error one day
The knife he did play
And it most nearly cost him his life

There once was a seamstress named Sue
Whose thread all mysteriously turned blue
She began mending jeans
'Til the holes were unseen
Now seriously, what else could she do?

There was a duck hunter named Joe
Whose finger was terribly slow
His friend told him to fire
So he aimed so much higher
But still shot his buddy below.

I'm crazy, I'm wacko, I'm nuts
No ifs, no ands, and no buts
I went off my rocker
No books in my locker
And I'm spinning around like a klutz

There once was a girl from Paris
She stayed in the bathroom 'til 3
When asked, "What'd you do?
Are things alright with you?"
She simply replied, "Mais, oui oui!"

Ok, I'm done... for now.

If you actually made it to this point in the post, you either like my limericks or you're a masochist. If the former is the case, feel free to visit Stargate LIMERICKS!!! and Zelenka / Nykl Fans where you can find these and more.


  1. Haha I love them!! You should send David Nykl the Zelenka ones! :)

  2. I'm glad you liked them. Have you ever visited the Gateworld Forum? The links I provided at the end of the edited post show more of my work. And as far as sending them to David, well, I'm afraid I'm a bit too shy to take up his time bothering him with my poems.

  3. I haven't looked at Gateworld, but I used to look at the SG Archive site which I think is similar. I'll have a look :)
    I think David would love your poems, he got excited about that My Little Pony version of him that a fan made so I get the feeling he likes that kind of thing.

  4. Alright MM, I did it. I summoned up my courage and pestered the poor man with my limericks. (I also added a few specialized Zelenka/Nykl smilies.) Gee, I feel like a ninny, but I told him you said I should do it. Sorry, I had to say that. Now, I'm laughing hysterically. I still feel silly, but I hope that's just the shyness talking. Oh well, what's done is done.
